Survey Complete

Fine Tooth Comb

We have good news! A reputable and highly recommended surveyor recently looked over every nook and cranny of Imagine. The result: She’s in fine condition with only a few, small items needing to be addressed. Sure, she’s missing a few amenities we want, and her navtronics package is 18 years old, but she’s in fabulous condition. We’ll have four to five years in the Med to address any short comings.

Our next steps are to complete the transaction, get her insured, and change her registration to our name. Then we’ll move aboard. Part of the deal was that we get to keep her in the marina until June 30. Giving us plenty of time to learn her wily ways.

We’ll probably be ready to have guests in the summer… though we’re planning to spend much of July and August in the U.S. again.

Dust off your sailing skills, friends and family. We’ll always have an opening for temporary crew to come visit.